
On Aug 19, 11 first-year students went on our annual study trip to Vietnam as part of the requirements of the elective course, "Overseas training".  This was the second time that we visited Ho Chi Minh City, a change from our usual destination of Hanoi.


JICAホーチミン出張所訪問 Visit to JICA Ho Chi Minh office


At JICA, students were welcomed by Mr. Karasawa Masayuki, Resident Representative of JICA Vietnam Office, and we had the opportunity to learn from him about JICA's ongoing aid efforts in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.  Students developed an understanding that the various support projects collectively aim to foster a just society in Vietnam by enhancing growth, boosting international competitiveness, addressing weaknesses, and improving governance. The visit went beyond the planned time as Mr. Karasawa enthusiastically addressed student inquiries.


Vietstar Meiden社訪問 Visit to Vietstar Meiden Corporation

Vietstar Meiden社を訪問した際には、工場を見学し、送電や配電のための設備の組み立て作業を間近で見ることができました。続いて、原田吾一副社長様ならびに現地従業員の皆様の前で、課題探究のプレゼンをする機会をいただきました。好意的なフィードバックと貴重なアドバイスをいただき、生徒の課題研究チームのそれぞれの研究テーマである、食の安全管理、ジェンダー平等、有機ゴミ問題について、現地の視点から見た意見に触れることができました。

Students had the opportunity to witness the assembly of power transmission and distribution equipment at the factory.  Following the factory tour, our students presented their ongoing research projects on local issues in Vietnam to Mr. Harada Goichi, Deputy General Director of Vietstar and the local staff.  They received positive feedback and valuable advice, and gathered insights from the local perspective about their research on food management, gender equality and organic waste management.


文化体験 Cultural experience: Water puppet show


Wrapping up the day, students attended a water puppetry show, a traditional Vietnamese art form, at a theatre in Ho Chi Minh City. The performance, based on myths and traditional rice farming practices, captivated the students with its vibrant, humorous movements and distinctive background music played on traditional instruments. Although the dialogue was in Vietnamese, the lively and engaging presentation still captivated us.


ビノンカカオパーク訪問 Visit to Binon Cacao Park


Students had the opportunity to meet Ms. Endo Ayako, CEO of Binon Cacao Park, and gain valuable insights into entrepreneurship and sustainable cacao farming.  Her talk emphasized the importance of using eco-friendly methods to protect natural resources while ensuring high-quality production. Students also engaged directly with the cacao cultivation process such as harvesting pods. This hands-on experience enhanced our knowledge of sustainable agriculture and demonstrated how these practices benefit environmental conservation and support local communities.


Duc Tri 中等高等学校訪問 School visit

研修最終日には、Duc Tri 中等高等学校を訪問する機会を得て、教職員の皆様や生徒の皆様による大変温かい歓迎を受けました。交流中はベトナムの豊かな伝統文化を紹介してくださいました。小グループによる交流の時間には、個人レベルでの会話交流を楽しむだけでなく、本校生徒が取り組んでいる課題探究について、大変有意義な意見交換をすることができました。Duc Triの皆さんから受けたすばらしいおもてなしのおかげで、交流は一層楽しいものとなり、現地の実態について情報を教えてもらうことで、ベトナムの方々の視点から問題を捉えることに対する理解が進みました。この大変貴重な経験により、生徒の視野はおおいに広がり、文化の多様性と交流の価値についても思いを新たにすることができました。

On the last day of the trip, students were warmly welcomed by the staff and students of Duc Tri Secondary and High School, who introduced us to their rich cultural traditions. The visit offered a delightful mix of personal interaction and insightful discussion about the students' research projects. The warmth and hospitality we experienced made the interactions especially enjoyable, and the conversations provided us with a deeper understanding of local issues from a local perspective. This enriching experience not only broadened the students’ horizons but also strengthened their appreciation for global diversity and cross-cultural exchange.



Concluding the study trip, students embarked on a city tour of historically and culturally significant sites. The tour provided a fascinating journey through the city’s rich heritage, showcasing landmarks that have shaped its history and culture.  The tour not only highlighted the city’s legacy but also left a lasting impression on the students, enriching their overall experience.


Student reflection

  • 私が特に楽しかったのは学校交流です。最初は、国籍の違う人と直接コミュニケーションをとるのに少し緊張を感じ、価値観の違いなどを気にしていましたが、話しているうちに、私たちと同じような人と話しているという感覚になり、とても面白かったです。英語がうまく喋れなくても、現地の生徒さんが応援してくれたり、一緒に考えてくれて、優しさに感動しました。ベトナムに行く前の印象と今では、行ってみてからの印象は大きく変わりました。実際に自分で体験してみるという大切さがわかりました。

I particularly enjoyed the school exchange. Initially, I was a bit nervous about communicating with people from different nationalities and the potential cultural differences, but as we communicated, it felt like speaking with people just like us, which was very engaging. Despite my struggle with communicating in English, the local students supported and helped us, and I was touched by their kindness. My impression of Vietnam changed dramatically from what I had before this trip, highlighting the importance of direct experience.

  • 実際にベトナムに行ってみて、日本では考えられないようなこともあったし、逆に日本との共通点も多く見つかって良い経験になりました。プレゼン発表の中では、うまく伝わらなかったり、思い通りにいかないことが多かったけれど、現地の方からもお話を聞けたので、それを踏まえて研究を改善していきたいです。また、コミュニケーションを取るときに自分の伝えようと思ったことをうまく伝えることができなかったので、これから実践的な英語を学んでいけるよう頑張りたいです。

Visiting Vietnam revealed things unimaginable in Japan and highlighted many commonalities, making it a valuable experience. Although there were many challenges in effectively communicating during the presentations, we identified areas for improvement and gathered insights from locals to refine our research. I also want to work on practical English to better convey my thoughts.

  • 学んだことは日本との文化の違いだ。現地の学校の生徒が勉強熱心なことに驚いた。日本は必死に勉強する人は少数で、学力低下が叫ばれているが、ベトナムでは逆の傾向があるのかなと考えた。

What we learned includes understanding cultural differences with Japan and being surprised by the dedication of students in the local schools. In Japan, there are fewer students who study intensely, and there are concerns about declining academic standards, but in Vietnam, the opposite trend seems to exist.

  • 学校交流の際にベトナムの学校の方々からベトナムのことや文化について沢山知ることはできたものの、教えてもらうばかりで失礼だったと思います。私たち日本のことや文化について紹介することができず、折り紙の紙を渡すだけになってしまうなど意味のないことになってしまったので、全体で指示されなくても自分達でプレゼンテーション、ディスカッションの時間と文化交流の時間を考えてどちらもできるようにする必要があると思います。それが礼儀になるからです。

While we learned a lot about Vietnam and its culture during the school exchanges, we mostly received information and did not adequately introduce our own culture. Simply giving them origami to introduce our culture felt inadequate. I think it’s important for us to plan and balance the time for presentation, discussion, and cultural exchange ourselves, even without explicit instructions from teachers, to show proper etiquette.